Saturday, November 21, 2009

He is Here!

Tyce Joseph Wagner
7# 12 oz.
19 inches long
Proud parents Cody and Rachel Wagner

Pictures to come later.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I know the Lord looks after My Family

Do you ever wonder if the Lord looks after you? I know he hears and answers my prayers every day. Danny is doing so wonderful here in Idaho, everyone is happy and full of life. Tanya's job is going well and Danny is in the process of looking for a job to help out with the finances. I know he will find one.

Rachel only has four days left until she has her new little boy here. I know the Lord has watched over her and he will continue to do so. Everything will go good for her delivery. I'm so excited to see this little boy. I'm excited that Coy and Dax will be spending a week with us. I've missed them so much.

Thursday night I saw another prayer answered. Matt was getting on the freeway by Spanish Fork. He lost control of his truck and rolled it. He totaled it out. How thankful I am that the Lord watched over him and kept him save.

I'm so grateful for the power of Prayer. I know Heavenly Father is there and he really cares. Sometimes he doesn't answer us the way we think he should, but he always listens and he always answers. We have to have the Faith to recognize the answer.