Sunday, June 3, 2012

Graduation Time and Down the Line.....

Sam on Graduation Day with Cody, Rachel, and Tyce

Sam's Graduating Class

Sam's Graduation Picture.  They don't do Caps and gowns anymore

Jenny, graduation picture '1991"

Makette graduation "1993"

Rachel, graduation "1995"

Matthew graduation "1997"

Patty graduation "1971"

Mom graduation "1951"

In this busy month of May, we stopped in to take part in Sam's graduation ceremonies.  She graduated from Rocky Mountain High School in Meridian, Idaho.  She also graduated from Seminary.  What great accomplishments.  I am so proud of her.  She had a lot of family come to here graduation.  After the Graduation ceremonies Tim took us to Joe's Crab Pot for dinner.  Was it ever delicious.  I enjoyed it very much.  Sam and Josh choose a pot of crab that was called Ragin Cagun.  To their surprise it was very hot....They did pretty good with it though.   Saturday Tim and Jenny gave Sam an open house where friends and family could come and congratulate her..  It was a fun day.   Sunday was her Seminary Graduation.  I hope all my grandkids take Seminary.  I believe it is such an important class in their school years.  Sam's graduation has moved me into a new Era of my life.   I really feel like I am on the fast track of leaving here.  Time goes by so quickly.

Some of the fun graduations we had this month.........They are graduations from pre-school and Kindergarten.  When I asked Madison if she liked her graduation she said yes and then informed me that she was going to College.   She made me laugh.  At least she has a big ambition.    My little grandkids have a wonderful start on their education.

Madison and Courtney,  Mady graduated from Kindergarten

Mady and her teacher.

Daxton.....Such a cutie.  He graduated from pre-school.

Trevor graduated from Kindergarten.

Throwing their hats in the air.

Ryan graduated from pre-school also.  I didn't have a picture of him.

April and those May Birthdays.

I have a lot of Birthdays to celebrate from the end of April until the end of May.  There isn't hardly a break.  I try to take my kids out to dinner for their birthdays or to send them a gift card to go out.  This year we were in Santaquin for Kylers blessing so I bought steaks and we had a big BQQ and cooked them.  A different way to celebrate with a meal.

My birthdays start with....
Kaitlyn White.......April 25th
Rachel Wagner.....May 8th
Makette Morgan....May 16th\
Matthew White.......May 22nd
Joshua Needles.......May 30th
Samantha Needles...May 31st.

Happy Birthday to you all..........

Kaitlyn White

Rachel and Sam goofing off

Makette and Makalie

Katrina took Matthew to a Bees game for his Birthday

Joshua Needles.  His 16th Birthday.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mothers Day


Dear Mother,

This is our first Mother's Day that we will not spend together. How I miss you. Do you remember that special Mothers Day that you spent with me 35 yrs ago when I brought Rachel into this world. I will always be grateful that you were there. Thank you for the hours you sat beside me, holding my hand. Giving me comfort and compassion. It was a hard thing for both of us getting through that experience. I will always be grateful. I love you so much. Happy Mothers Day, I know you are happy and that you are at peace.

"If you were once connected with someone, does it make sense that the connection is broken just because of a physical death? No, the connection stays. You may just have to listen differently. You may just have to talk differently. The truth is: the connection is never broken. It's quite impossible to break the most powerful connection in the universe. As long as you let it exist, the connection stays. Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear

Monday, March 19, 2012

Seven Years......March 15, 2012

                                         If I had my choice
                                         Of daddies in a line
                                         I'd step right up and pick you out
                                         And say that you were mine.

                                          And so I'm glad 
                                          That when I came
                                          To Earth like all the rest
                                          Heavenly Father chose the Dad
                                           He knew I'd love the best.

I sure do miss my Dad.   It doesn't seem like seven years have passed since he was called home.  I know
he must be very busy and doing his part to build the Kingdom of God and I know he must be very happy
doing it.

How I have missed our chats about genealogy.  I am sure if I could get myself working in it again some way he would whisper to me which way to look.   How I long to see his sparkling eyes and the grin he always wore.  I loved his quiet moods too, when he would be in deep thought.  He always thought things through.

I miss his little songs that he would make up out of the blue.  The way he played little jokes and pranks to make you laugh out loud.  I miss his cooking, he had that magic touch of trying things that were new, and
most of the time they turned out great, except that mexican stew.........

I hope he's there when my time has come, to help me pass the vial , to see his friendly and loving face.  To put my fears away, I hope that I can do that.  I know with his help and Mom's it will be much easier to join them.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Events in My Family........

Last Saturday Matt and Katrina took the girls to the public City Library for Cowgirl Days.  They really enjoyed it.  Thought I would share their day with all of you.  These are the kind of things that make wonderful memories with your kids.  I am glad that they take the time to do this.

Madison and Courtney 

Here they are with their horses and hats that they made.

 Another event this month was Drill Team tryouts for Emery High School.  Makalie Anne Morgan tried out and made the team for next year.  I am so proud of her.  She was on the team last year and had a wonderful time being a part of the Drill Team.  I hope that she has a good time this coming year.  I have a bunch of talented kids in my family.  I am proud of  all of their accomplishments.

Makalie Anne Morgan....Drill Team 2012-2013

Joshua Needles, I love him.  He has so much talent, in writing his own music and plays, in Chior , in plays at his school and in the community.   I just had the wonderful experience of going to the play "Bells are Ringing" in which Joshua took part in.  It was funny and entertaining and he did such a good job.  I  can't wait to see his next one..........

Josh and Rachel at "Bells are Ringing".  Everyone needs to see Josh in a play.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Guess Who is a Teenager?

That's right, Beverlie Marlena White turned 13 years old today.  How grown up she is getting (but she sure is silly sometimes).  Loves to talk, we have to tell her to be quiet .  I don't have a baby picture of her, but I do have one of her about 2 years after she came into our lives.  That would have made her 7  years old.  I love Beverlie very much, I love my relationship with her.  I love how she thinks about me and always asks me how I am.   Happy , Happy, Birthday Beverlie dear.  Welcome to your teenage years.

Beverlie, with Amie and Kaitlyn.  She was 7 years old.

Beverlie,  Now she is 13 and the fun begins.  Happy Birthday Sweetheart.n

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday, Scotty

Today Scotty is 12 years old.  What an important birthday.  Now he will be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood and become a Deacon.  He will be passing the Sacrament and gathering Fast offerings.  You are getting so grown up.  Don't stop wanting to come out and hang with me and share a movie or two.  I love it when we do that.  Sometimes when kids turn 12 they don't like to hang out with grandma.

I love you very much and I am so proud of you.  I love watching you grow and mature.  Thank you for being my grandson.

Scott as a baby...........

Scott now.........Happy 12th birthday,   Scott.