I spent the month of July in Utah. We didn't get to any parades this year. I did get to the Bates Family Reunion again this year. It was a nice visit with everyone.
This is a picture of Danny and Tanya and their beautiful little family. It is their most recent one. I am waiting for Rachel to send me her most recent family picture so that I can post it on here. I am waiting for everyone else to get a family picture taken.
August has been full of Dr. appointments. My ankle and foot have been hurting me quite badly. I went to a surgeon but he tole me that there isn't anything that can be done about the pain. I just have to live with it. I sure know how Mom feels now. If I would have known I would have all this pain from an ankle fuse, I might not have done it. You just don't know what the future can bring you.
Everything is about the same for me. I hope to go back to Utah and help Rachel out some more before her baby gets here. I have to get new glasses. My last pair broke and I have gone the past 2 weeks half blind. I hope my new glasses get here fast.
I hope everyone has had a nice summer. School is back and the kids are glad for the most part, I am sure. See you on my next post. I'll try to make it sooner than later.