Friday, January 23, 2009

We Found Him

We have found Thomas Jefferson Bates's father. His name is Zachariah Bates. He was born in 1781 in Virginia. Bill was the one who found him. Bill sent his DNA in and it matched with other DNA from this Bates line. He also found him on a census matching the ages of the sons that we knew about. This is a very exciting find and one we have wanted for many years. Bill has submitted some of the names for Temple Work. If any of you are interested in helping do this work contact Bill. I think he will do it sometime in March. This is a very wonderful opportunity so take advantage of it and do the work for our direct line ancestors.


kelley said...

how exciting! A long awaited day for the researchers of the Bates line. Congratulations to all of you.

Nat said...

That is so cool!

Mal said...

What exciting news! That would be really awesome to do some of the temple work!

whitefamily said...

How exciting! Matt & I are planning on doing the temple work with you all in March! It will be really neat!

cad said...

Very exciting for us here, as well as those family members on the other side. Patty, did you still need me to look at the films, then? Do we still need to do that for verification? You can let me know on my blog. I will plan on doing some of the Temple work, too. I will get a hold of Bill and let him know. Thanks for all your long, hard, and persistent work! Your'e much appreciated!

KT said...

Geneology is so much fun! I wish I had more time to spend working on it. Thanks for taking care of it for your posterity and future generations.

Leslie said...

The morning Bill sent me the e-mail saying it looked like it was the real thing I broke down in gut wrenching sobs. My Kids thought I was going nuts. But I felt so much joy. I could feel dad near me and knew it was right. When dad died I had the experience of being able to understand the patriarical order. I can not explain it in words but I know it exists and I know everyone of us is a very important part of this order. Every single one of our ancestors is an important part of us. We still have lots of work to do. We need to find the name of Zachariah's wife and get a date on thier marriage before they can be sealed or any of the children sealed to them. But it is nice to know where we are going now after not knowing where to begin.

Kelsey said...

Very exciting! I was thinking it was Thomas Jefferson Bates that needed to be found.