Friday, February 27, 2009

Winning the War against Evil

"You were entrusted to come to the earth in these last days to do again what you did before---to once again choose good over evil."

This quote comes from Elder James J. Hamula talk in the general Priesthood meeting directed to the youth of the Church. Everyone should go and read his talk. It is on page 50 of the November Ensign.

If we as adults do not take a stand against evil, how can we expect our children to. We are quickly being taken over by evil. If we don't stand up and be counted on the Lords side then we are on the wrong side. This is not a time to be Lax. We are now in the closing hours of this great war. I hope you will all read this talk and I hope you will stand up for your children and choose the Lord's side.


cad said...

How ironic. We talked about this last night and I posted the same on my blog today. I felt like I had to clarify my intentions on my stand on the issues of today. It seems that my "Obama Agenda" has caused some in the family to think I mean't they needed to be and think republican, which is far from the truth. We're definetly on the same page here. I love that talk. Everyone should read it, I agree. I loved the Glenn Beck show today. Lot's to think about.

Leslie said...

Some one made the comment to me that they couldn't understand why so much of the BOM was full of war stories. I have always gained alot from these stories. It has helped me to understand how satan works and how we can fight the war of good and Evil. My most favorite story is about Lehonti Alma 47) when Amelickiah talks Lehonti into coming down off the mount and then poisins him by degrees. I know that is how satan works with us. I love the book of Alma. I learn so much fromit.

Ellen said...

Good post Patty. I feel exactly as you do and it does my heart good to see my family all involved in God's agenda. I will read that article. I've been reading and hearing talks on that very thing. Keep up the good work. Love you

Heidi said...

I know that today is harder for kids to grow up in and that they need more protection from outside influences, but I think if we teach them what they need to know and be patient and understanding all will turn out in the end.