Tuesday, March 31, 2009


March is going out like a lion. Will April come in like a lamb? Today is a day full of rain and chilled air. It hardly seems like it is Spring. My favorite statement for this time of year is "April Showers bring May flowers."
I love Spring flowers, the daffodils, the tulips, and the crocus always bring a smile to my face and a lightness to my heart. The Hostas plant which starts to grow in the middle of Spring is another favorite. The beautiful green plant makes me feel good all summer and into the fall.
Another thing that I like about Spring is to see all the new baby animals that are born. The baby calves make me laugh . The baby lambs, romping around the field are a joy to watch. Any new baby foals that are born during the Spring are really enjoyed. When I was home with Mom and Dad, we had rabbits. I loved all the cute little bunnies that were born. They are so adorable.
Easter is my most favorite time of Spring. All the newness around me makes me think of the Savior and what he did for all of us. The resurrection of the Savior brings such hope to my life. Everything is made new through him. With all the fun of an Easter picnic, the greatest part of the celebration is to be able to go to Church and to partake of the Sacrament and renew my baptismal covenants with him. To think of him and to worship him and to never forget what price he paid to give us Eternal Life.
This is what Spring is to me. A time of new beginnings. A refreshing of all that has died through the winter, coming back to life. The refreshing of my soul.


Rachel said...

I love Spring too. It's my most favorite of all seasons. I didn't know you liked it as much as I do. I can't wait to do flowers this year. I love the newness, and the plants that get to be reborn from winter.

Jamie said...

I enjoyed reading your post! I, too, love Spring but Fall is still my favorite of them all....

kelley said...

I love all those things about Spring too.

I love opening the windows up and airing out the winter musty's

Nat said...

I also love Spring. Too bad we woke up to snow this morning.

Patty said...

I remember waking up to snow on my 15th birthday. June 26. I don't belive that we even had a Spring that year. It wasn't just a little bit of snow either. I remember it being 6 to 10 inches of it.

Leslie said...

I love spring also. One thing I love is the smell of burning weeds. I loved when we would go out every spring and clean up the yard.

cad said...

I love this post Patty. Who said you can't write? That was so creative and touching. I liked how you linked everything to the Savior. I love Spring, too! Especially Easter for all the reasons you mentioned. Keep up the good writing... so impressive!