This year Tim surprised me with a pretty plant to keep in my room. I hope I don't kill it. I have a hard time keeping them alive. Instead of having a dinner we took a drive to a canyon not to far from here and roasted hot dogs and had a picnic. We used campsite number 4 and we were by a river. The sound of the water was really pleasant.
Tim built a fire and he gathered all the wood. I don't know why the kids didn't help him get the wood. Samantha wasn't really happy about being in the mountains. I think she took her frustrations out by chopping some wood for the fire. Later she took her feelings out by beating on a rock with a big stick. She would have preferred roasting hot dogs in the back yard.
Scott, Megan, and Josh seemed to have a good time. Josh would have liked to stay later and do some snipe hunting in the dark, but it was a school night and we had to get back and get ready for the next day I enjoyed the drive, and being in the mountains even if it was just for a short time. Thanks, Tim, for the wonderful day.
I'm glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day. That was very nice of Tim to get you that plant.
We miss you and hope to see you soon.
Sam, you're so funny and cute.
There's nothing like being in the mountains! Sounds like a nice outing. Sam will probably look back at this day with fond memories when she is older. We always do!
Looks like it was a nice day. I am glad you enjoyed it.
What a fun day! Happy Mother's Day! I remember being 14 1/2 almost 15 and not wanting to go anywhere:) Love you Sam!
That looks really fun. It reminds me of the campsite we went to for are family get together last year. Im glad you had a good Mother's Day
looks like you had a fun mothers day.
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