Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Magic of Christmas

The magic of Christmas,
The joyful sounds, the happy sounds,
That meet you everywhere you go.
The Holly and the Mistletoe,
Hung with care, to add romance,
They add to the magic of christmas.

The magic of Christmas,
The lights are flashing merrily,
Their Christmas colors, red and green,
The Christmas bells are ringing clear,
Heralding the message joyfully around
They add to the magic of Christmas.

The magic of Christmas,
The children's eyes so round and bright,
When Santa comes to give delight.
The Christmas trees all glittery and bright,
As Jack Frost nips the frosty air,
They add to the magic of Christmas.

The magic of Christmas,
It started on one starry night,
In a lowly manger far away.
When a new born babe was praised,
by sheperds, Kings- when angels sang.
They add to the magic of Christmas.

The magic of Christmas,
The air is filled with peace and cheer,
As all around the hymns we hear.
They tell of one King of Kings,
The prince of peace and love.
They add to the magic of Christmas.

The magic of Christmas,
Everyone must certainly agree,
Is Santa, lights, and Christmas bells.
But most importantly of all,
Is a lowly birth in Bethlehem, born the King of Kings,
LOVE....is the magic of Christmas.


Rachel said...

I like your poem mom. You should write them more often!

carol daniels said...

Patty, is that your own writing? You have always had a talent for writing poems. I agree with Rachel.... you should write more of them and share them with us. You are awesome! I hope you have a magical Christmas!

kelley said...

I love your poem too. Are you coming Saturday?

Jamie said...

WOW Great job on the poem!! I love it!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year! It's my favorite!

Patty said...

No, I can't make it this year. Maybe next year. You guys have a great time. I'll be thinking of you.

Ellen said...

Patty Very Nice You always write such special poetry I agree you should write more often. I hope you can make it Saturday. You'll really be missed. It will be so fun to have all of you there. Christmas is such a special time of the year. I have really felt the spirit of christmas this year because I am so confined I am not involved in all the hustle and bustle. I sit back and enjoy the Christmas programs especially KBYU and Hallmark. I love the christmas Music. It adds so much to the season. Tonight reading the Blogs has made me feel the Christmas feeling especially. Thanks for them I am having a hard time getting into some of the blogs. Matt and Jamie would you i nvite me to yours again? I'd love to read the comment Thanx Patty I didn't know how to find them I hope you don't mind. Let them know would You?

kelley said...

missed you Saturday Patty, but we all thought of you. Hopefully we'll see you soon. Are you coming for Christmas?