Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas

I haven't been home on my big computer for a few weeks. I am in Utah. I haven't been keeping up on my blog. I have a lot to talk about so when I get back to Jenny's I will catch everyone up on my life. In the meantime I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and the best New Year ever. I love you all.


kelley said...

Merry Christmas Patty, I'm glad you've had a good holiday.

whitefamily said...

We love you too Mom! We hope you can come stay with us again before you go back to Idaho. I know the kids would love to have you stay over again. I can't wait for our dinner on Christmas Eve!! MMMMMM!!!!

Love your Daughter,

Jamie =)

cad said...

Hope your Christmas was wonderful. I look forward to your catch-up. Have a safe trip back to Idaho.