Friday, November 14, 2008

Proposition 8.......My Take

I have been following the posts made in some of the California papers and in the Salt Lake Tribune. I have been dismayed at the things that have been said. Just because good, decent, people voted to keep marriage between a man and a woman. The gays are calling us bigots, calling for our tax exemption to be taken away. Telling lies about the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Protesting at our Temples. Then they have the nerve to tell us we are the intolerant people.

What makes me so sad is to see the number of Church members that are speaking out against our Church leaders. Asking that their names be taken off the records of the Church. I see this as a weeding out to see who will support the Lord and who will not. Many are saying that we will see a new revelation come allowing the gays full membership in the church will full privelidges.
That includes Temple Marriage. I can't see that happening. A lot are saying when the older leaders of our Church die we will see a tolerance come in the younger leaders and they will allow gay marriage.

I love this Church. I love that it is directed by revelation through a Prophet of God. I know if we stand steadfast good will triumph over evil. We will have trying times before us and we must all gain a personal testimony of the Savior and hold to the iron rod.


kelley said...

This morning I decided instead of looking for news about the prop 8 issues in the newspaper produced by the world I would check out the church's news releases on Their articles were for use by news agencies and clearly explained the church's view points and objectives, and their actual actions. I was grateful to read them. I think we need to pray for our temples and places of worship to be protected. We need to pray for those who may be in danger, and also pray for the spirit of peace to rest upon those who are suffering from the violent actions of others. Most of all I think we all need to be patient, kind and long-suffering.

That's my take

Danny And Tanya said...

I think what they are doing to the churchs is wtong and very upsetting. I read there was 6 churchs in Salt lake that have been vandalized. They shoot the windows out with bb guns and rocks. Its really sad that this is what it came down too. The gays are upset at the mormons for not wanting to pass prop 8. But the cathlics and the christens are against it too. But the gays are only hold it against the mormons and Utah.

Anonymous said...

Mom stop reading the TRIB! Its a mean paper!

janelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
whitefamily said...

I know it makes me sick! We definitely need to keep all of our leaders, our temples, our churches and anyone in harm in our prayers. We also need to pray for the people who are angry about the prop 8 passing. Pray that their eyes and hearts may be opened to the truth!

Jamie =)

Nat said...

The Proclamation To The World came out thirteen years ago. If everybody had read that there wouldn't have been any surprise on where the Church stood on the issue, and where they'll always stand.

cad said...

Right on Natalie! What more needs to be said.

cad said...

By the way, everyone go to and re-read "The Proclamation to the World on Family". It can't be said more simple than that. No one needs to be confused, ever!

Kelsey said...

I agree with all that was said. I haven't actually watched the news for a few weeks. And only read our local paper than makes no mention of prop 8. I think the media is out of hand sometimes also. "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord"

janelle said...

What the church did was wrong! A church cannot tell it's members how to vote. Your church was very public on their stand and their tax exemption should be taken away. By the way... for every action there is a reaction and apparently your church thought they could pick a fight and it would be one sided and there would be no consequences....

To the rest of you: Mormons are closed minded hypocrites. Your comments are proof of that.

janelle said...

P.S. "Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too" Perhaps Mormons should follow the lyrics they make their kids sing.

KT said...

Well, the polygamists broke off and made up the FLDS church...

...Maybe we will see a reorganization called the GLDS Church. (that was me being funny again!)

On a more serious note, I have to add that regardless of religious beliefs, Prop 8 does NOT deny CIVIC rights. There is no reference in the constitution or bill of rights that states that marriage is a "right" granted to its citizens.

Slavery and discrimination is one issue, women's lib is another. These groups WERE being denied civic rights.

Being gay is something that should be private! What goes on between two adults behind closed doors is not the business of the US government or its citizens and should not even be on the ballot!

This is not a civil rights issue, it is Satan corrupting the sacticty of the family.

Heidi said...

Very good post Patty I really agree with everything you said. All I can say to everyone's asumption that a new generation will change things is that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. I don't know what the church will do other than stay steadfast and immovable, we will make it though this persecution. I have nothing against homosexuals, and I have never read anywhere that gay people are not allowed to belong to our church, them must simply live a life of celebicy. And cannot attain the highest degree of glory, but they are still welcome and will be loved. God is patient. He'll sort it all out in the end.

Rachel said...

MOm you need to update your blog. You need to do a post!

janelle said...

Dear Aunt Patty,

I can't help but notice you haven't blogged in a while. I sincerely hope it has nothing to do with my comments. I didn't mean to come off so rude, but this is just something I feel so strongly about. I just feel that by the church being so public about this that they singled out a group of American citizens and discriminated against them. I believe that even if Jesus was against gay marriage he wouldn't condone the church's behavior. I guess you could say I'm intolerant of intolerance, hee hee. I enjoy reading your blog and keeping in contact with you. I look forward to reading more of your fun posts. Have a very Merry Christmas!!


janelle said...

Oh, P.S. The reason I think it's so wrong: It's fine for a church to think being gay is an "abomination". It's fine for a church to not allow gay marriage, straight marriage, whatever. Believe what you will. The church has issued the Proclamation to the family clearly explaining it's beliefs. That's fine. Therefore, members should know how to vote automatically. So why did the church do what it did? It's wrong because if their members know how to vote, the church was trying to influence other christians to vote yes on 8.