Sunday, February 8, 2009

25 Random Things about Me.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

1. I am the oldest child in my family.
2. I love horses. I was a member of a riding club when I was growing up. I performed in several rodeo's.
3. I rode bucking ponies in the Little Buckaroo Rodeo.
4. I loved Saturday mornings. All my favorite programs were on. My Friend Flicka, Fury,Sky King, Lassie, The Lone Ranger.
5. I love country music. My favorites are Glen Campbell, Loretta Lynn, Garth Brooks, Kenney Chesney and Kenney Rogers
.6. I graduated from Carbon High School.
7. I attended LDS Business Colledge.
8. I worked for the LDS Church Offices in Salt Lake City. (My favorite job)
9. I had a job in High School. I worked for the Artic Circle.
10. I was a big flirt. My Dad would always get mad at me because I flirted with so many boys.
11. I loved the wrestling matches. Dad brought them to Carbon County and I never missed them.
12. I was married at age 19.
13. I had all 5 of my kids by the time I was 30.
14. I love genealogy.
15. I helped run a Family History Center.
16. I've been to Disneyland twice. I would love to go again.
17. I've been married and Divorced 2 times.
18. I lived in the state of Washington 8 1/2 years
.19. I learned to sail. I sailed on the Pudget Sound and the Pacific Ocean. It was a blast.
20. I love dogs. Especially Beagles. I loved my Beagle, Johnny.
21. I've had several jobs, babysitting, paper routes, Artic Circle, Taco Time, 7-11, crossing guard, K-mart, Kress Variety Store, and LDS Church Offices.
22. I love to sleep.
23. I love to read. My favorite Authors are Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Anita Stansfield, Blaine Yorgensen, Patricia Cromwell, Victoria Holt, and Agatha Kristi.
24. I love Movies. My favorite movie of all time was Gone With the Wind.
25. I now live in Idaho with Jenny. I appreciate her very much.


whitefamily said...

I like your answers. It's fun getting to know those little things about you! Did you meet Marvin while you were attending LDS Buisness College?

Patty said...

Yes, He pretended he was my hometeacher.

Rachel said...

I never knew that about Marv! I guess he had you at Hello I'm your HOmeteacher!! LOL..

kelley said...

funny Rachel

I knew all those things about you Patty. fun post

Danny And Tanya said...

This is fun getting to know everybody. I the things you never knew about them.

cad said...

You were the Rodeo queen and the biggest flirt in Carbon County. Those were the good old days. I was scrapbooking mine and Kelsey's trip to "This is the Place Heritage Park" and included a picture of a hitching post. It brought back some real fun memories, and I included it next to the picture. Can you remember the trip we all made on the horses to Helper? We hitched our horses up the the bridge and went to Cornet's to shop for our Halloween party. Wasn't that fun?

Patty said...

I remember doing that. We had a fun Halloween party , too. Lots of our friends came. Remember the spook Alley we had?

The Morgans said...

I guess learning from you we shouldnt date our home teachers.

Kelsey said...

Gone with the Wind is one of my favorite movies too. I didn't realize you lived in Washington so long.