Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is Rachel's birthday. She was my mother's day gift 32 yrs. ago. What a joy she has been to me. She is a good daughter, a good mother, a good granddaugter. I would put a picture of her on here, but I lost all my pictures when I moved from Washington. I will have to get busy and take more.

Rachel, I hope your day is filled with pleasant things and that you have a very wonderful birthday. You deserve it.




kelley said...

Happy Birthday to Rachel

Ellen said...

Happy Belated Birthday Rachel. You are a sweet and caring grandaughter. I love you muchly, can it possibly be 32 years?I had to leave a Primary Mother and Daughter Party and stay with your mom while you were flipping all over. The cord was wrapped around your neck 3 times and you had a hard time getting here. But I 'm so glad you made it. It was a miracle. Luv Grandma