Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Jenny

Today is Jenny's birthday. She is a wonderful daughter. I know I drive her crazy sometimes but I try not to. She is a good mother and is always on the run with her kids, her friends, and her church callings. I don't know how she keeps going. She is a good sister to her brothers and sisters. I know they all appreciate her too.

Happy , Happy birthday Jenny. I hope you have a good one.




Leslie said...

Happy Birthday Jenny.

cad said...

Happy Birthday Jenny! Hope you are doing something super fun. I thought of you off and on all day long.

Nat said...

Happy birthday, Jenny!

kelley said...

happy birthday jenny! She is a blessing isn't she :)

Jamie said...

Happy Birthday J
Hope you had a wonderful day!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday to my "old"est sister!!

The Morgans said...

Happy Late Birthday Jenny! Another year older!!!

kelley said...


cad said...

Happy Birthday Patty! It sounds like you had a really fun day.... much deserved. Keep going out and have fun!