I spent the month of July in Utah. We didn't get to any parades this year. I did get to the Bates Family Reunion again this year. It was a nice visit with everyone.
This is a picture of Danny and Tanya and their beautiful little family. It is their most recent one. I am waiting for Rachel to send me her most recent family picture so that I can post it on here. I am waiting for everyone else to get a family picture taken.
August has been full of Dr. appointments. My ankle and foot have been hurting me quite badly. I went to a surgeon but he tole me that there isn't anything that can be done about the pain. I just have to live with it. I sure know how Mom feels now. If I would have known I would have all this pain from an ankle fuse, I might not have done it. You just don't know what the future can bring you.
Everything is about the same for me. I hope to go back to Utah and help Rachel out some more before her baby gets here. I have to get new glasses. My last pair broke and I have gone the past 2 weeks half blind. I hope my new glasses get here fast.
I hope everyone has had a nice summer. School is back and the kids are glad for the most part, I am sure. See you on my next post. I'll try to make it sooner than later.
It was nice to see you at the family party. Sorry you are having trouble with your feet and ankle. I sure hope I don't ever get there. so far I haven't.
cursed Bentley feet :(
I'm glad you made it to the reunion, it was good to see you.
Im glad you had fun at the reunion. Its nice to visit with your family. I wish the doctors could do something with the pain in your ankle. That has got to hurt.
That's too bad about your foot. It's good to see you blogging again!
Sorry to hear about your foot and ankle problems. I have learned alot from the rest of you.... no one is ever going to touch my feet, ever! I'll live with the way they are. I'm thinking they aren't so bad.
I just hope that none of you ever break an ankle. That contributed to my problems.
I still don't understand why they can't do anything with your ankle. Im confused!
Patty are you still in so much pain? Let me tell you I can really empathize with you. I know how it feels and so frustrated because no one can do anything about it. I finally found a Dr. Fauxe in Provo who is at least trying.
Kelley took me today. He had a boot made for me to try to straighten the right foot. Be careful, you wand with the "feet" wear good proper shoes and don't break any bones in your feet. That is how both of mine started.Dr. Fauxe gave me 2 cdrtesone shots in my left foot. I sure hope it works. I hope yo u can get some help Patty. You've already suffered a lot. By the way from my observation the bad feet came from Grandpa Hamilton's line.
Happy birthdayto Rachel, Makette, Matt, Jenny, Patty. the grandkids in may and June.
Glad all of you were at the Reunion. It was a lot of fun. It was nice seeing you!! Luv Ya MOm
Your ankle sounds like it hurts! I am sorry that you have had more trouble with it then you expected. I am glad that we were able to see you when you came down. Its always nice to visit with you. Rachel isn't too far away from having her baby, do you know when you will come down yet? Its so exciting getting a new little one!
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