Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Birthday's are here.......

Happy Birthday Courtney Rae........You are such a princess.  Courtney is Matthews 2nd daughter.  Her birthday is the 17th of Feb.  She turned 4 years old this year.  I can't believe that it has been that many years.  It was just yesterday that I held her as a baby.

6 months old
Courtney Rae White

Now she is 4 years old.  Happy Birthday, Princess.  

Courtney came to Idaho to visit last weekend, so we got to have a little birthday party with her.  It was so much fun.  She got a new bike for her birthday and she was so excited about it.  Thank you Courtney for coming to Idaho.  I love your hugs and kisses. 


carol daniels said...

Can't believe it, either! She is getting so big. Happy Birthday Courtney!

Jamie said...

My little Courtney sure is growing up fast. I love her SO SO much! I'm glad she had a good birthday party up there.

kelley said...

she is a beauty. Happy Birthday