Friday, February 3, 2012

Pictures from the Past

I went through some more pictures and found these four more that I thought everyone would like to see.  These were taken off of Dad's slides.  I can hardly wait l until our CD is made with all the pictures on it.  Dad took so many really neat pictures.  I am sure that you will remember them when you view them.  They bring back such wonderful memories. In the meantime enjoy these.

      Bill, Carol , and I. was 5 yrs. old.  This was taken in Logan, Utah.
 This is one of my favorites.  We lived in Logan, Utah.  This is in the bedroom that the 4 of us shared.  The bedrooms were upstairs.  We only had two of them.  Our bedroom was to the front of the  upstairs.  Mom and Dad's was to the back.  We had to walk through Mom and Dad's room to get to ours.  Kelley is sitting in my doll stroller.  I loved pushing her around in it.  While we lived in this house I experienced many firsts.  I found some shears sitting down on the kitchen table.  I had long ringlets, they were so pretty.  I thought I would just cut one off and see if Mom noticed.  I went upstairs and cut one off.  I was kind of scared so I hid the cut off ringlet under Mom's  dresser.  Boy, did I ever get in trouble.  Mom noticed right away.  That caused me to have my first haircut.   There are so many things to tell about our time in Logan.  I will write about more later.
 This picture was taken at Easter Time (1961) in Parowan , Utah.  I am kind of in the Shadow of a tree, so you can't see my face to well.  This was taken just before my 8th birthday and Leslie being born.  Notice Dad's truck in the background.  They sure look different today.
This picture was taken in Dec. 1961 in Parowan, Utah.  Leslie wasn't in this picture.  She was just about 6 months old.  I guess Mom didn't want to sit her in the snow.  More on Parowan to come.  We had lots of adventures there.


kelley said...

we were cute kids. I've never seen any of these pictures so I think it's great you are sharing them with us. You should scan them at a resolution of 600 or higher and then they can be printed. It looks like they might be at 300 or lower or maybe you've compressed them.

Patty said...

How do I change the resolution. Do I DO IT ON MY PRINTER OR MY COMPUTER. I have printed out a lot of pictures and they have turned out really well. I am going to make a post about the houses I have lived in. I just scanned the pictures. Take a look at them. I am going to put these pictures on a cd for everyone that wants them. Some of them are off the slides, some aren't. I can't exactly remember which are of slides. Maybe I will wait to see wheat Carol comes up with and then make a CD of the ones that I didn't get off slides..

carol daniels said...

I love the pictures! Haven't seen these either. I want a cd of any pictures I don't get from slides or negatives.

And, I love the memories. I was a little too young to remember so I'm glad you are sharing.

I don't know how I missed this post before. You must be posting quickly. I think I better check daily!