Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ghost Story

Ok, here goes!!! When we moved back to Spring Glen we found out that a Spirit lived in our house. We never saw it but we heard it plenty of times.Every morning at 2:00a.m. I would hear it come up the stairs then it would walk around both bedrooms. Sometimes it would move things on my dresser or sit on the end of my bed. I always hid under my covers and prayed it would go away. It never did.

One day while mom and dad were gone we kids decided to go down into the basement to play school. all of a sudden we heard someone walking across a room upstairs and heard a chain dragging across the floor. We froze in fear. All of us ran for the basement door and ran to the front of the house. All of a sudden we realized the Steven wasn't with us. We ran to the back of the house and ran into him coming to join us. He had fallen into the big hole dad had dug in the back. We asked him how he had gotten out of it and he said he didn't know.

We went back to the front of the house and climbed up on to the fence. Bill got brave and picked up a big rock and went to the front door and told it to come out. It never did. We stayed on the fence until mom and dad came home.

I posted this comment on Kerstina's Blog, so I thought I would post it here too.



whitefamily said...

Thanks a lot!! Matt has to stay the night in his semi tonight since he is in Vegas. So, I'm all spooked out to be home alone with the kids tonight now. Just kidding ;) That is really freaky though! I remember Matt telling me about your house ghost before. And, I remember him saying you always heard a chain dragging across the floor. Pretty creepy. I don't think your ghost was evil or else I think he may have tried to harm you guys. I couldn't help but laugh when I read the part about Bill getting brave and taking a rock to the front door yelling at the ghost to get out! The reason I laugh is because I can just picture Bill in his younger years, holding a rock screaming at a ghost! LOL! Thanks for sharing the story.

My comments are always long! Oh well.... I'm still going to share this story with you anyway.... I remember when I was about 14 I was trying to go to sleep. It was dark and quiet and my bedroom door was shut. My makeup was on my bedroom floor and I could hear someone opening and closing my makeup. Pretty creepy. I just froze!!!! Then when I got enough courage, I ran and flipped on my light and ran out to the living room where the rest of my family was..... That's nothing compared to your story though!


KT said...

All of the Bates siblings tell that part of the story, but when you get them together, they freeze up and say "I don't want to talk about it anymore." I have always wanted to hear the whole story. Is there more??? Why do you all get so freaked out when the subject comes up.

I hope you aren't reading this in the middle of the night. Maybe you should check right now to see if your dog is in the house! he he! Sorry, couldn't help myself. :)