Once in awhile a pet comes into your life that fills up your heart.
This is my Beagle , Johnny. I got him when he was 6 weeks old. It was fun watching him grow and develop. He was the typical puppy. The first time he bayed it was so funny. He sat down and looked all around with an expression on his face like where did that come from!
My favorite times were when he would snuggle up to me in my chair. He never outgrew that , even when he got older.
Johnny loved to hunt rabbits. I always worried about him while he was out in the forest. As long as I could hear him I knew that he was alright. He would spend hours hunting.
I almost lost Johnny once after a big Rotwieler attacked him. She almost tore off his whole back leg. I got him to a good vet and he did a good job of sewing him back together. I sure did worry about him.
Johnny will always be a part of me. Maybe in the next life I will get him back. He was truly my friend. I had to give him up because I couldn't find a place to keep him. I pray all the time that he is healty and happy in his new home.
Maybe you could share with me something about a favorite pet that you had.
I'm sorry! It must be hard for you to not have Johnny. I have heard many people say that pets become part of the family. I have even heard people say that they love their dog as if it were their child. I have never had a bond like that with an animal before. So, I don't know first hand what you are going through, but I'm sure it must be hard. I'm sure Johnny misses you very much but I'm sure he is in a good home. It's too bad you couldn't have kept him.
Johnny is fine!
Jenny you make me laugh!
I thought I like dogs--until I got one!
Just kidding, I love my dog. She is so well behaved it is unnatural. We barely even had to train her. Katy has been in our family for nearly 10 years. She is getting arthritic, gray, and really smelly. (I didn't think it was possible for her to get stinkier.) It is odd to think of what my life would be like without her.
I really do hate the mess of having pets in the house though. I think I am done with inside dogs. Especially those that sleep in my bed.
Pets in the house--yuck.
I like pets outside, and I have been attached to a lot of good dogs and two cats. I have no desire to own a pet right now. We just borrow the neighbors (cat two doors down and dog next door.) That way I don't have to be responsible for them. I am planning on having a big dog if Kerry dies before me. That way I'll feel like someone's in the house with me. Do big dogs come already trained? I don't want to mess with a puppy.
P.S. I love that picture of your kids that you added to your header!
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