1. DID YOU DATE SOMEONE FROM YOUR SCHOOL? Yes, I could have dated a lot more but I had a steady boyfriend all 3 years of High School.
2. WHAT KIND OF CAR DID YOU DRIVE? I didn't have a car in High School. When I did drive I drove my mom and dad's plymouth, brown and white, station wagon.
3, DID YOU PASS YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE TEST ON FIRST TRY? Yes , I did but I was really nervous when I took it.
4. WERE YOU A PARTY ANIMAL? NO! My parents kept close tabs on me.
5. WERE YOU CONSIDERED A FLIRT? Yes. My best friends were boys. I didn't get along to well with girls. They were to mean.
6. WERE YOU IN BAND , ORCHESTRA, OR CHIOR? No, I have no musical talent.
7. WERE YOU A NERD? No. I was a cowgirl.
8. WERE YOU ON ANY VARSITY TEAMS? No. The closest I came to sports were going to the High School basketball games. I loved those.
9. DID YOU EVER GET SUSPENDED OR EXPELLED. No. My Dad came looking for me one day, though. Someone had called him and said that I wasn't in school. I was there, just wasn't in class.
11.WHO WERE YOUR FAVORITE TEACHERS? Mr. Mele, Mr. Gee, and my Seminary teachers.
12.WHERE DID YOU SIT FOR LUNCH? Usually in the cafeteria.
13. WHAT'S YOUR SCHOOLS FULL NAME? Carbon High School.
14.WHAT IS YOUR SCHOOLS MASCOT AND COLORS? The dinosaur "Carbon Dino's". Our colors were blue and white.
15. DID YOU GO TO HOMECOMING AND WITH WHO. I never went to the dance even one year I attended. I went to the Homecoming football game, with my boyfriends.
16. IF YOU COULD GO BACK AND DO IT AGAIN WOULD YOU? Yes, I would. I would do somethings differently. I would apply myself more to my studies and get better grades than I got.
17. WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER MOST ABOUT GRADUATION? Larry Nicholes coming in late , drunk on his butt, skipping down the aisle to get his diploma. I knew where I was going after High School. I had been accepted to the LDS Business College in Salt Lake City.
19. WERE YOU IN ANY CLUBS? Carbon High Rodeo Club.
21. WHO WAS YOUR PROM DATE? I never went to Prom , none of my boyfriends wanted to go.
22.ARE YOU PLANNING ON GOING TO YOUR TEN YEAR REUNION? Long past 10 years, and no I didn't go.
23. DID YOU HAVE A JOB IN HIGH SCHOOL? Yes, I did. I worked at the Arctic Circle all 3 years of my High School experience.
24. I TAG..... Kelley, Leslie, and Carol to do this.
That was a fun tag. I never knew you were in the rodeo club! YEEHAW! You go mom! And I would be scared if grandpa came to the school looking for me!
Fun tag, fun things to know about you. And for all of you who didn't know Patty pretty much lived her early life on or near a horse!
To Rachel, grandpa was never scary! You just had to know how to snuggle him just right to melt his heart. I only remember getting one spanking in my life and I asked him to give it to me. He really was just a big old softy. That's why he used to put on such a gruff exterior--so people wouldn't catch on.
Fun answers! I didn't know you were a cowgirl!
I didn't know that you never went to a dance. What was wrong with Mr. Prettyman?
Fun tag. You learn new things every day.
I remember Patty going to a dance in high school. She went with a grundvig boy. My mom made her a white dress with a beautiful white chiffon overdress. The neckline and sleeves were accented with a thick band of silver sequins that glittered as she moved. She did her hair in a typical sixties hair style, teased and puffed, straight bangs and ends flipped up. When she came floating down the stairs to meet her date I thought she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. apparantly my younger siblings thought the same and since she was dressed in white they started singing "here comes the bride" much to her embarrasement.
How I remember that. I went to that dance "New Years Dance" with my steady boyfriend Wendell Christensen. I double dated with
Gardell Grundvig and Cathy Prettyman. I was so embarressed and it wasn't long after that Wendell and I broke up. I guess he got scared off. I was just 15 and Wendell was 16.
I love that graduation picture of you mom!!
I also remember sitting on the livingroom floor watching you come down the stairs in your beautiful sparkly white dress singing "here comes the bride". How fuuny! I haven't thought about those times in a long time. Oh... the good old days! Didn't you just love us all Patty. And yes, you were a cowgirl for sure. I remember trying real hard to be like you for about a year, but the horses scared me a little. Can you remember the time we all got on our horses and rode to Helper, tied them up at the bridge going into helper to do our Halloween party shopping. I miss those days, don't you. They were so fun. Sorry this comment is so late. I missed out during my two week trip to Europe. Tell everyone to come back and read this. It has brought back so many happy memories. Carol
We had some good times while we were growing up. I'll never forget them. Carol, I didn't know you tried to be like me. LOL...I thought you liked doing your own thing.
Rachel and Jamie help me with my blog. I'm going to take lessons from them while I am in Utah. Then I won't have to bother them so much to help me.
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