Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My New Calling

Today I started my new calling in the church. I'm back at it. I am now working in the Family History Center as a specialist. It is just a small FHC. It has 8 computers and 4 film readers and 1 microfiche reader. I hope the microfiche reader is a good one because I have a bunch of fiche coming to the center to read. I am really excited about looking for more of our ancestors. Have any of you in the younger generation that have Temple Recomends thought about going to the Temple and doing endowments for our new ancestors we have just found. It will be a great opportunity and will give you an idea about how important genealogy is.


kelley said...

I need a name for May 9th for our temple emphasis day. Congratulations on the calling

Patty said...


Call Bill and have him save a name for you.

KT said...

Well, at least you're in you element doing what you love!

cad said...

Congratulations on your new calling! That's you all the way. Just thought I would let you know I stopped in at the Family History Library in SLC the other day, but didn't have a whole lot of time. One of the guides there took me to the computer and got me started in finding names and information and told me where the books and micro films were. They also have a dinning area there, so I can take me lunch with me. So, soon, I will be going to spend the entire day there. I will check with you and Bill and make sure I am not duplilcating any research before I go.

Anonymous said...

Way to go MOM!I know its a trial to get out of bed, but keep it up!

Kelsey said...

Congratulations Patty. I thought you have always had that job. I remember going to the geneology library in Price to see you all the time.