Sunday, February 5, 2012

Home sweet Home......Where ever we roam...

 There is no place like home.........I have never lived in a fancy house, they have all been quite humble.  This is Mom and Dad's house in Carbonville, Utah.  I never lived in this house but included it in this post because it was and is a symbol to me of home.  This is the only house that Dad built that was entirely new.  No one had ever lived in it before Mom and Dad moved in.  It is a beautiful home and it has made very happy memories for me.  All the holidays we went there for meals and barbaque's.  The laundry room where the kids played with the roller rack and the Barbies.  A place where blessings were given and testimonies were shared.  A home where we were comfortable and where we could all find stability.  When I walked in the door I usually found Dad sitting in his room at the computer leaning back in his chair in deep concentration on what his next move should be in his genealogy quest to find our ancestors.  Mom always had something good cooking, or she would be busy with one of her many projects that she shared with her family.  I loved this home.
 This is the house that I lived in for fifteen years.  It has sad memories and glad memories. It always made me feel good that, especially Jenny, would bring her friends to visit.  We had some good times and talks.  Most of her friends were from East Carbon.  They were a fun group.  Matthew would bring many of his friends over too.  They would stay overnight and they crashed all over the living room.  Ashley Patterson was at our house frequently.  I loved having her around.  There are many nights that we shared laughter and fun with her.  We watched fun movies.  My favorite one that we watched was "The Money Pit".  I still to this day laugh when I watch it remembering how we all enjoyed it.  Teresa Swayse  found that she could come to our house to find refuge.  I am glad that all these kids found acceptance and safety in my home.  It was a very humble home, but at least I had a roof over my children's heads.  This house was in Price, Utah, located in the Price 2nd Ward.

This is the first and only house that Marvin and I bought together.  It was right next door to the Bishops Storehouse in Price, Utah.  We bought it on the GI bill and paid 15,000 dollars for it.  We had to do a little remodeling on it.  We had a fireplace built on the east side of the living room.  I loved it.  Makette was always afraid of the fires we would build in it.  She was afraid it would burn the house down.  We put in  a new kitchen.  The kitchen was quite small.  We put in a new bathroom because the bathroom in it was a walk through with only a shower.  Just wouldn't do.  It was a three bedroom house and we would have probably lived in it forever if things had gone different.  In our remodeling we put new carpeting in, even in the kitchen.  We tore out the kitchen in the basement and made that a family room with a wood burning stove in it, we moved all the toys down to the basement so the kids could play unhindered.  There was a bedroom in the basement that Marvin slept in when he worked graveyard at Safeway. We shared a driveway entrance with the Storehouse and the driveway slanted down.  The kids love riding there various bikes and trikes, baby buggies, roller skates and anything else on wheels down the driveway and crashing into the big gate at the bottom of the driveway.  It was chain link.  I guess I should be glad that they survived without anything getting broken. especially bone wise.
 This is my Spring Glen home.........I lived in it for 8 years of my life.  This is what it looked like when I lived   in it.  Dad built this house from railroad ties.  No one else lived in this house but us.  Grandma and Grandpa Bates lived in it when we went to Logan, Utah where Dad went to school.  They lived in the basement.  The top of the house was just framed in.  It would remain that way until we moved back to Spring Glen when I was ten.  Dad liked to build.  When Dad was through with it , until he built on to the back of the house, it was a four bedroom house.  We girls slept in the attic bedrooms.  I had a room to myself,  Carol and Kelley and Leslie shared the other room.  It was really like having one big room because only half walls separated  the two bedrooms.  Bill and Steven shared one of the bedrooms on the main level. We had many activities in this house that bring back many happy memories.  As I write about Spring Glen I will share them with you.  Mom and Dad sold this house in 1976 and moved to Price, Utah.

This is our home in Parowan, Utah.  Dad always bought homes that needed to be built of needed to be remodeled   .  This house when we lived in it was a two bedroom home.  I don't know how we ever survived it.  All of us kids were in the back bedroom which was very tiny.  We had to share beds.  We had bunkbeds.  Carol and I slept on the top, Bill and Kelley slept on the bottom.  I don''t know how we fitted Leslie into that little room.  I think she slept in Mom and Dad's room for quite awhile.  Probably until Steven was born.  One night while we were asleep, little Carol fell off the top bunk and fell into the baby buggy by the side of the beds.  That is where Mom found her the next morning.  We had so many adventures here in Parowan.  I will have much to write about.
This is the house we lived in at Logan, Utah.  It was a very narrow house.  It only had two bedrooms also.  The bedrooms were upstairs.   The furnace room is what sticks out in my mind the most.  It was a big cement hole in the center of the house.  It had a cement ledge that went around the furnace.  It always scared me when Dad went down into the "HOLE" because I always thought he would never get out.  He had to jump from the ledge down to the furnace.  He always got out, to my relief.  This is the house where I received the only two spankings from my Dad in my whole life.   One when Bill came to the park to tell me to come home for dinner.  I just took my time getting there.  I stopped at the corner of the street we lived on to pet two horses.  As everyone knows, I love horses, and here came Dad down the street with a willow .  Boy he sure did give it to me and it hurt.  He felt bad about it later and tried to take the pain away.  I don't know why he relied on my three year old brother to make sure that I came home for dinner.  The other time was when I opened his slide case.  He always told me never to touch it.  When I opened it all the slides fell out and I didn't know how to put them back in.  Mom was up stairs so this guilty little five year old went up to be with her, scared to death about what was going to happen when her Dad got home.  I found out, got the spanking of my life and he told me if any of his slides were damaged I would get another one.  Then he made me stay in my room for the rest of the day.  After those experiences, Dad never had to spank me again.  Just one look and I always behaved.  There is so much more that I remember about Logan, that I will share with you along the way..


carol daniels said...

It's so nice to have pictures of our homes, isn't it? They conger up memories that are near and dear to our heart!

I like reading your posts. They fill my mind with sweet thoughts of days gone by.

Patty said...

Correction on when Mom and Dad sold the house in Spring Glen. They must have moved in late Spring or early summer of 1978.

kelley said...

It is nice having a picture of all the homes you lived in. Technically mom and dad lived in the home in Spring Glen before Grandma and Grandpa did and he did build it from scratch even if all the materials he used weren't new. And they did move in May 1978. We were living with them when Kerstina was born in August.