Saturday, February 11, 2012

Rock and Rolling

Rock and Rolling.   When we lived on 1st South in Price, my kids loved to ride their trikes, roller skates, and anything on wheels up and down the sidewalk, and down the driveway between the house and the Bishops storehouse.  They really liked crashing into the gate at the end of the driveway.  It is a good thing they never suffered any broken bones, stitches, or other minor accidents.  One day , on Jennys Birthday, the photographer from the Sun Advocate caught the kids going down the sidewalk and took a picture.  It was a cool brisk day for June.  The girls were bundled up in their winter coats and Matthew was barefoot and no coat.  What a sight to see.  I kept the picture that was in the paper so that it would be a reminder to all of us of what kids do to be entertained.


kelley said...

I remember those days :)

Leslie said...

Loved when all the little kids were home. It seems like so long ago.

carol daniels said...

I love it! I cut that picture out of the newspaper, too. It is such a cute picture of your little kiddos. I have a few other clips, too. Seems like you guys were in the paper quite a bit.

Makes me miss those days when all our kids were little. Oh... the memories!

Rachel said...

Oh I was so cute!