Thursday, October 9, 2008

6 Quirks

1. I love to sleep. It is my favorite past time.

2. I am a Coast to Coast addict. I listen to it every night. That's probably why I sleep in.

3. I hate misplacing things. Is my memory going or am I imagining it. It drives me bonkers until I finally find the thing I misplaced.

4. I hate to be interrupted when I am reading a good book. If you see me with a book , just leave me alone.

5. I love to watch LMN movies. I'm having withdrawals right now. Jenny doesn't have the station.

6. I answer my cell phone any time and any place.


whitefamily said...

Now I know where Matt gets the "Misplacing things" from! He gets super cranky until he finds what he is looking for too! I like your answers.

PS thanks for signing our guestbook!

whitefamily said...

Oh yeah, and I love your new page, I wonder who helped you ;) I especially love your header picture. That guy to the far left is so HADSOME! (I'm a lucky wifee!)


Rachel said...

Yeah well I lost my key to my car and cell phone today. I had a dentist app to go to, so Jamie came down to get me, and right before she got here I found the stupid key deep in the couch! I hate misplacing things, nothing makes me more mad!

whitefamily said...

It sounds like misplacing things run in the family ;) hehe! I guess I fit right in because I'm a pro at misplacing things as well! You guys are rubbing off on me. Jeesh!

kelley said...

From one quirky person to another--get a grip! ha ha ha! Maybe it will be easier to remember where we put things!

Kelsey said...

My brothe Steven like Coast to Coast. He listens to it all night and calls my Mom in the morning to talk about it. I like your header. Your kids all look alike.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mother! You have 20 other stations! Who needs LMN? Stop answering your phone. That is one of my quirks!