Sunday, October 26, 2008


There is one thing that I really HATE. That is a spider. After seeing the one on Kelley's blog it reminded me of what happened to me yesterday. Jenny and I were in the car going to do a few errands. For some reason I looked down to my leg and there was this great big spider crawling on me. I hurridly hit it and set it flying. It gave me the creeps.

Later in the day we were going somewhere again. I looked down at my leg and wouldn't you know it, that same ugly spider was there again. I jumped out of the car and brushed it off of me. I hope this time it's gone for good.


Rachel said...

Oh my gosh, I would have been freaking out. I hate spiders too. I have nightmares about them regularly. Ewe I'm sorry. Now I keep feeling them on me. Thanks alot!

kelley said...

Yeah I think spiders are creepy too. I always scream for Kerry to come and kill them.

One time I was at mom's after Nick moved out. I went downstairs to check out how things looked in the apartment. There was the biggest ugliest scariest aggressive house spider I have ever seen in the bathtub. I swear that thing could have eaten me for lunch. Well I just backed right out of there and left well enough alone. After mom's new tenant moved in I was uptairs and in need of the comode. I went into the public WC and sat down to do my business. I glanced over into the bathtub and what did I see? My friend from downstairs! EEEEK! I couldn't scream for my mother to come kill the freakin monster! And I didn't feel good about leaving him there either. So I tried to wash him down the drain, That dude could swim, he swam faster than he crawled. I was really getting freaked out at this point. But then all of a sudden in a moment of clarity, it came to me. I got the liquid soap dispenser, and dispensed some on my friend in the tub. It rolled up into a shriveled buggy ball of abdomen and legs. Boy was I relieved. I quickly flushed him down the drain and exited the scene of the crime!

Mike and Audrey said...

I hate spiders! Mike tells me that I need to stop freaking out so much because its going to make Alia afraid of them too! I just cant though, I hate them.

Mike and Audrey said...

sorry, I am going to post again because I just read Rachels comment. The other night I couldn't go to sleep because I kept seeing giant spiders everytime I would close my eyes. They give me nightmares too.

whitefamily said...

Spiders don't bother me. I grew up in a 100 year old home until I was 11. So, spiders were everywhere.
However, one time when I was pregnant with Marshall, I was in the living room watching a movie with my parents. For some reason I looked up and saw a spider crawling on our ceiling. As quickly as I looked up, the spider fell off the ceiling and landed in my bra! YUCK! My Mom was sitting next to me and I flipped open my shirt and was yelling for my Mom to get it out! My poor Dad probably got a show. lol

shaniel said...

Lol, thanks for everyone posting there spider stories. Im not afraid. hehehe. Morgann is though, terrified! Just ask Audrey. When we were sleeping at her house, Morgann would keep telling here, "theres a spider on your ceiling" and wouldn't go to sleep until it was dead. And, before she sleeps over at someones house, the first thing she asks them, "do you have spiders in your house?" If the answer is yes, she won't stay. I tell her there is spiders in EVERYONES house. Mean mom huh?

Patty said...

Has everone gone to Kelley's Blog and seen the spider that follows your cursor. You need to. It is really creepy. Thanks for the spider stories. Kelley, I can just see you committing your crime against that spider. LOL

KT said...

Spiders don't bother me either. I think they are really facinating actually. I don't understand what the big deal is--you are like 10,000 time bigger than they are! Nothing a foot or shoe can't take care of.

Like Jamie, I also live in a 100 year old house and we have black widows everywhere. I bet I have seen a dozen or more since we moved in nearly nine years ago. There numbers would probably dwindle if we would do a little yard work--but there just aren't enough hours in a day.

Anyway, I truely believe that spiders are some of God's most beautiful and amazing creatures. But only if they stay outside.