Sunday, October 5, 2008

General Conference

I just got through reading Leslie's blog and thought that I would share what I got out of General Conference this time. I liked Elder Holland's talk on Angels. It gave me a lot of hope that no matter how bad things might get for us economically, financially, morally, or by experiencing natural disasters , that angels would be found amongst us. They will be sent to give us comfort and to lift us up. Not only will we have Heavenly angels but we are to look for mortal angels as well.

I liked Elder Wirthlin's talk also. He told not to get angry about things and to laugh at times when we feel angry. Elder Nelson's talk on marriage was very good also and it was a timely one for our family. Matt and Jamie will be going to the Temple this coming weekend.

All the talks were very good. They were very uplifting and I felt the Spirit of the Lord here very strongly. I hope you all took advantage and watched or at least listened to conference.


cad said...

Patty, you left a nice post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on some of the conference talks. We received good counsel and it makes me very thankful to live in the fullness of times so that we can hear the words of a living prophet and apostles. I am anxious to get the Ensign to read all the talks again. Carol

whitefamily said...


That was a very nice post. I loved your thoughts as well. I too loved the talk about eternal marriage and the importance of it. It makes me very anxious to take my family to the Temple on Saturday. I'm so thankful to have to opportunity to be sealed to my Husband and Children for Time and all Eternity. I couldn't imagine anything better than knowing that we are an eternal family. I'm sure proud of your Son! He has come a long way since I first met him. I sure do love him with my all. He is a wonderful Man, Husband and Father. You should be very proud of him, and I know you are!

I loved Monson's talk. I thought it was a great message to live in today. Don't linger on the past, but try to make today better so you can make a better future and better memories for your past. I liked that he mentioned when you do a good deed or say kind words, you will never look back and regret that. But, if you don't chose the right or say unpleasant words to people you will look back and regret that. I love our Prophet. What a wonderful man he is! I'm so thankful to be a member of the only true church on this Earth. I love that our Church is a family centered religion. Our Church has great morals to abide by.

I can't wait to see you Saturday. Thanks for all your support. We love you!


Rachel said...

Thanks for your post! I enjoyed conference this time around. It was very uplifiting and I could actually feel the spirit this time!

Nat said...

I also liked those talks. I really enjoyed Pres. Monson's talk on enjoying the journey.

Leslie said...

I love Conference and look forward to it every six months. I always uplifts me and gives me a clearer vision of the course I need to be taking in my life. In our family prayers a month before Coference we ask, "that we might be aware of the spirit and our heart will be prepared to recieve the word of the Lord." I always find the guideance I need.

Kelsey said...

I enjoyed conference also. I like Elder Nielsens talk on marriage also. I felt a lot of hope for the future in a time of despair.