Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Weekend

This past weekend I traveled to Utah with the Needles family. Our first stop was Lagoon. We met the Wagner family in Farmington then went on to Lagoon for FRIGHTMARES. It was lots of fun. I went on a few rides. The first one I went on was Dracula's Castle. I rode with Joshua and he kept asking me the whole way if I was scared yet. I didn't get scared until the end of the ride when I found out I couldn't get out of the ride car. Cody had to pull me out of it. The second ride I went on was the Tidal Wave. That was pretty fun. I forgot there was a step I had to go down and I almost fell down. Good thing Rachel was there to hold on to me.
Most of the time Jenny and I and Scott took Coy and Daxton on the kids rides. It got really cold the last hour we were there. I think it was just because the wind picked up.

Saturday was Matt and Jamies day at the Temple. I was glad that Jenny and Tim were able to go with them. I wasn't able to go with them but I am working on that so that I can go with them in the future. Rachel and I spent the day with all the kids. We went to McDonald's to eat lunch and found it to be a scary situation. Because of all the homeless people in the area they only gave you 30 minutes to eat your lunch. We went to the Visitors Center and walked through there. I was really impressed with the changes they have made in there. I could feel the Spirit of the Lord so strongly while we were viewing the large statue of Christ. It made me cry to think that I had cut myself off from Spiritual experiences for so long. I am so thankful that Matt has taken this step in his life. It amazes me because I could never get him to go to church, even when he was a little boy. Maybe I did something right to influence him , even if it was just a little bit.

I am so grateful to Kerry, Kelley, Mom, Heidi and Bill for being there. Also to Alan and Jo White. It was good to see them after all the years that have passed since I last seen them. Our dinner at the Lion House Pantry was really good. I thank Matt and Jamie for including me in their day as much as they could.

Later I rode to Santaquin with Rachel and then went and spent the night with Matt and Jamie. Sunday Rachel and Cody took me to Sandy to meet Jenny and Tim to go back to Idaho. All in all it was a great weekend.


Rachel said...

It was a great weekend! I'm glad you came down Mom. I liked all the improvements they did to the visitors center. I had no idea that they had those life size figures set up downstairs. That was really neat.

kelley said...

It was a really great weekend! It's fun to get to see you a little more often now.

Patty said...

I'm glad you had a great time! I really enjoyed your thoughts on this post! Thanks for all of your support! I am thankful to everyone who spent that day with us, even if it was only for dinner. It was GREAT to see everyone and we really appreciate everyone's support! I'm so glad that you are getting close to the Lord again. You have made great strides. You are in a better place now than where you have been the past 10 years. I'm so glad that our kids are able to grow up with you in their lives. We love you and can't wait to see you again!! =)

Patty said...

Also, you looked really great this weekend!!!! Rach, did a great job with your hair!

whitefamily said...

WOOPS!!!!! Those last two comments are from me, JAMIE!! I forgot to log out of your blog Patty before I posted those comments. My bad! Sorry!

Mike and Audrey said...

I wish I could have made it, it sounds like everyone had a special day in the temple or otherwise. It is always neat to have spiritual experiences, I love it! I don't think I have seen you patty since you lived in washington and me and my mom came to see you. Its been a while, hopefully we can see you soon.

Kelsey said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. I'm glad Matt and Jamie were able to go through the temple.

kelley said...

It's a good thing Jamie pointed out her "bad". For a minute I thought patty was having a conversation with herself!