Monday, January 30, 2012

Christmas 2011......

Christmas 2011........

I was so excited about my gifts to my grandchildren again this Christmas.  I get them something from Avon each year.  This year I couldn't find anything really appropriate for the little boys.  So I made the big decision  to get them bubble bath.  I thought they would really like that.

When I went to Utah for my Christmas dinner with my Brothers and Sisters, I took all my Utah grandkids their presents with me to give them.  I wanted to watch them open their presents.  Rachel's boys and Matt's girls and Marshall gathered expectantly in front of the Christmas Tree.  The girls opened theirs first and were so excited about getting the lotions and lip gloss.  Coy and Daxton opened theirs at the same time.  You should have heard the wail that came from those two.  Coy didn't want bubble bath, he wasn't a girl, it was pink and had princesses on it.  Daxton felt the same way.  I felt so bad that I had disappointed them so much.  Next year I will do better.  Needless to say I went to the store later with Rachel and purchased some lego's for Coy and some cars for Daxton.  Tyce was just fine with the bubble bath.

I spent Christmas Eve with Tim and Jenny and their kids, and Danny and Tanya with their kids.  Jenny had just had gall bladder surgery and wasn't up to doing much so Tim cooked our Christmas Eve Dinner.  We had French Dip Sandwiches and Tossed Green Salad.  It was very good.  There was a tray of finger foods and some of the best dip for them.  After dinner we had a short lesson about the Saviors birth and what Christmas is all about.  Then it was present time.  The kids all opened what I had given them first.  Little Ryan opened his and got the biggest smile on his face, he came running toward me saying "look what I got, look what I got".  He had two little Hot Wheels .  He gave me a big hug and said "Thank you Grandma".  Little kids are so spontaneous  with their feelings whether they like or dislike what they got.  I'm glad that I made a change in Trevor's and Ryan's gifts.

Christmas day was very quiet for me.  I called everyone and talked to them and to see what they all got for Christmas.  Everyone seemed happy and content.  Makette was so sure that they wouldn't be able to get their kids any Christmas, but they did and everyone was happy.  I really missed Mom today, I really wanted to talk to her.   

                      This is the disappointing bubble bath.  Just isn't fit for little boys.
                            The lip balm wasn't a hit either.  Tyce ate his.


Nat said...

Ha ha ha! Boys don't like to have moisturized lips OR smell nice! That's funny! :)

Rachel said...

Boy what a learning experience that was all the way around. Especially for a 6.yr old. Next year id steer away from anything pink or in any way.resemble anything for a.girl!

kelley said...

that was funny. One year I got Tiger a Karoke machine and got the same reaction. I thought he'd like it because he loved to sing.