Sunday, January 29, 2012

Going to Paris

On Friday we had a fun activity here at Diamond View.  We went on an Airline flight to Paris, France.
 This is my passport and my boarding pass.  They look real don't they .  I am putting the original"s in my journal.
This is my picture that they put on my passport.  I'm not a great beauty, but now I have a picture for my obituary..............:)

The living area was set up like the inside of an airplane. Our Activities directors were dressed as Flight atendants  and they walked us through all the safety rules of being on an airplane.   We were served crackers and pop during our flight and watched a movie about Paris.  It was great fun.  You should have seen how excited some of the older people were to do the activity.  They made us passports and boarding tickets also.  They made it as real as they could and they put a lot of work into it.  I just love our activity director.  She is the best and keeps us really busy.