Grandpa Bentley was the Ice Man in Price for many years. What fun it would have been riding around with him to deliver the blocks of ice that people would put in their ice boxes (refrigerators) to keep their food cold. Mom used to tell us about the ice wagon all the time.
Especially about taking it one day and rolling it down an embankment into the Price River. She had to get her brothers to go and get it out of the river. I wonder if grandpa ever found out. I can't remember if she told us about weather he did or not.
I think Grandpa did find out about mom taking the ice truck, but I can't remember what the consequences were. We'll soon be reading it from mom's personal history. Can't wait!
I read your growing up in Spring Glen post before this one. I liked it. I made a comment. I had lots of questions of things I couldn't remember like you. After you read them, call me. Your memories will fill in some of the gaps in mine. Talk to you soon.
nice picture, it is pretty clear compared to the one mom has in her book--Was that in the Price Jubilee calendar or in a book? You should scan all of the pictures you have and share them with us.
The picture was on the calendar. I was excited that it was on there. I will keep scanning the pictures I have as I come across them. Some of my pictures are here in Idaho but many of them are at Rachel's. Next time I am at here house I will go through them.
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