Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Much Needed Video

I needed something tonight to get my thoughts away from owning material things in this life. I have gone almost all my life without great material things. I should keep that in mind because in my Patriaricle blessing it says I shall never want for the NECCESITIES in life. I have always had a roof over my head, food to eat, and clothes to wear. I am grateful.

Two wonderful things happened to me tonight that made me realize that material things are not important. It is the Treasure In Heaven that we create that is of far greater importance. Tonight Carolyn was baptized. It was so beautiful and the Spirit of the Lord was surely there. I believe that even Tanya was quite affected by the whole ordinance. It is sharing in that wonderful spirit and knowing a member of my family has made covenants with the Lord that means so much. A Treasure in Heaven. As I was reading through Facebook tonight I came upon this short video about one brother who was healed and received his health back because of his Faith in the Lord. He converted to the Gospel and spent the rest of his mortal days building the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. He gave everything he had to doing that. Even his great wealth. I would like to think if I was in that same position I could do that too.

I do not have much materially but it seems like over the past few months that things are happening to me that are helping me in building my Treasure in Heaven. It is the spiritual gifts I have been receiving that are helping me more everyday in my life. I am grateful, and my understanding is being filled fully.

1 comment:

kelley said...

congratulations to Carolyn. You are right, material posessions aren't as important as spiritual blessings.