Monday, January 23, 2012

Spring Glen Trestle.......

The Spring Glen Trestle was a major part of our lives while growing up in Spring Glen.  It was the gateway into our little town.  There was a little ledge right up to the South corner of the Trestle where we would sit and listen to trains going by.  That was sometimes scary to me because I thought the trestle would break and it would fall down on us, train and all.  We sometimes put pennies on the track for the train to flatten out.  What an adventure to do that.

When I babysat for Pete in Jean I would get really nervous when a train rolled by.  They lived so close to the tracks that you couldn't even hear yourself think.  I always imagined one of those trains leaving the track and coming right into their house, or the trestle collapsing  causing the train to roll down upon the house.  What a wild imagination I had.  It has never happened.

 The Old Wood Trestle right before it was torn down.  The old makes the way for the new.
 A view of the house I grew up in with the old  railroad tie fence that Dad put around the house and garden area.  Seemed fitting to put it on this post along with the Trestle.  I loved that old fence.  It has been taken down now.
 This is Me, Bill and Carol on a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Price.  We were living in Logan , Utah at this time.
This is the six of us in front of our Spring Glen home.  The white siding was still on the front.  This is Me, Bill, Carol, Kelley, Leslie and Steven.

 Here we are sitting in the Living Room in our Spring Glen Home.  Check out my socks.  I sure was a nerd.
 This is Kelley, Steven, Leslie, Carol, Grandma Bates and Dad.  This was taken after I left home and Dad had built on the extra rooms to the back of the house.

This is Bill, Leslie, Carol, and Kelley ready for a parade in Price.  I can't remember which one.
Progress happens.  The old wood trestle just became to old to go on.  It was torn down and a steel one was put in it's place.  Somehow the removal of the wood trestle changed the whole face of Spring Glen.  It's just not as exciting driving under the steel one.  As for sitting on that little ledge, well I'm to old to do that now, but my imagination  tells me that sitting under the steel one would be a lot different.  It wouldn't rattle and creak like the wood one did.  Somehow the wood has a voice and the steel does not.  I love my memories and experiences with the old Wood Trestle.


carol daniels said...

I took your pictures like you said to... save image to

They did not transfer like they look on your blog. The pictures are quite a bit smaller, and it doesn't appear that they would be able to print up to a good enough quality.

I have not seen some of the pictures you have posted but would like to get them. If I can't find the negatives for them, I would like good copies from you. Do you have just the pictures or do you have the negatives, too?

Patty said...

I took them off of Dad's slides. I don't know why they would come out grainy. I can get you copies of them if you can't find the slides but they should be there. There are a lot of pictures I still want off of the slides. I only did 11 pictures. Are you saving your pictures as a jpeg? That makes a lot of difference in the quality and size of the picture. Wish I was there so I could see what you are doing. Let me know if you want copies of them.

carol daniels said...

They're really not grainy. They just transfer a lot smaller than what they look on your post. And past experience tells me they won't print up in their original size. I am not sure I am saving them in jpeg. I will see if I can figure it all out.

I will be taking the slides and negatives in to be scanned sometime next week. If I don't find the pictures on them, I will let you know so I can get copies. Thanks!

kelley said...

those are some great pictures. I've never seen them either. I especially like the one of the fence around the house, except when whe had the house it wasn't all red like that. The front of the house was white. We were cute kids. I hope we find these slides somewhere.

Patty said...

Kelley, I took the picture of the house When I took the pictures of the trestle. I'm sure I have negatives here for it somewhere. I can make a copy of it off my print if you would like. The others of us kids should still be in the slides. I'm sure we will come across them.